Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011!

Well, one of my New Year's resolutions for 2011 is to start a blog....not really for others to read (although, they can if they want), but just for myself.  Things are so hectic and busy these days that I simply forget so much.....things I want to remember; like what the kids have done and said, places we've gone, what my husband has done wrong (this one in particular because so frequently he remembers things a lot differently than I do!). 

This year is off to a good start.  Jack (my youngest) just turned one year old on 12/29/10, so we had a small party for him with family last night.  He really liked tearing into the cake, but he had practice with a cupcake on his actual birthday, so it didn't phase him.  His big brother, Drew, who is now 5, opened most of his gifts for him, as if Christmas wasn't enough.....I really think he likes playing with the baby toys more than his own.  As I pull out his old toys for Jack, it's like he's reminiscing of his good ol' days.

Drew just started Kindergarten this year, so he had to get back to school this morning.  I was dreading that since he is not a morning person at all, but he did surprisingly well.  I only had to battle with him over his clothes for about 10 minutes, then it was over after a brief threat to take away his Nintendo DS (his lifeline these days).

Bobby and I have been a little sleep-deprived lately since I am weaning Jack from nursing and trying to get him to sleep in his own bed.  We learned so much from Drew (whom we still have to lay with to get to sleep every night) and we are trying to make this go around a little smoother.....I never thought I would value 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep as much as I do, but I keep telling myself that they're only little once...then it's over and you wish you could go back to the days when they needed you so much.

Well, it's back to year end paperwork and paying bills.  I look forward to writing, however often I'm able.  Here's to another great year!

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